Brisafe is trademarked and patented product of:
Robert Lee
Address of the company:
Room 319, Building 1,
No.5025 Jingdong Road,
Minhang, Shanghai,
China 201108
Phone: +86 21 64779918
Tax number: 91310112MA1GCAUQX1
Dragan Baraksadic is responsible for the content of this website.
As an legal person representative of sales of Brisafe brand in Europe and in purpose of expanding the brand aware and development.
Dragan Baraksadic
Barex d.o.o.
Tax number: HR33413391339, DE360074248
Phone: +381 64 5678273
Gospodarska zona Vukovar 15,
32000 Vukovar, Croatia.
Corporate Design / Webdesign:
Web Systems NZS d.o.o.